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Soal UTS Genap B. Inggris Kelas 5 KTSP

Soal UTS Genap B. Inggris Kelas 5 KTSP - Download Soal UTS Genap B. Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 2 untuk berlatih putra putrinya tahun 2017. soal ulangan ini berdasarkan kurikulum ktsp 2006. Terdiri dari soal pilihan ganda/ pg, soal isian singkat, dan soal essay atau uraian dan dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban serta kisi kisinya,
Berikut adalah Soal UTS B. Inggris Kelas 5 Semester Genap/ 2 yang bisa anda dapatkan untuk dipelajari, bahan rujukan atau koleksi bank soalnya, yaitu :

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) on a, b, c or d.

1. Rifah : May I see your new book?
Silmy : ... that’s in my bag.
a. Great
c. Sure
b. b. Wow
d. Uh

2. Zafran : May I borrow your sandal?
Zaki : ... my ruler is on the book.
a. a. No, I am not
c. Yes, please
b. b. Nice
d. Good

3. The table is ... the book.
soal uts genap b inggris kelas 5 semester 2 tahun 2017

a. Under
c. on
b. above
d. in

4. The clock is ... the table.
Soal UTS Genap B. Inggris Kelas 5 KTSP semester 2

a. beside
c. on
b. between
d. above

5. The books are ... the bookcase.
Soal UTS Genap B. Inggris Kelas 5 KTSP

a. between
c. under
b. above
d. In

6. The lamp is ... the table.
a. above
c. in
b. on
d. under

7. The ruler is ... the eraser and the pencil.
Soal UTS Genap B. Inggris Kelas 5 KTSP

a. a. above
c. between
b. on
d. under

8. We put our books on the shelf. The underlined word means ….
a. lemari
c. bangku
b. rak
d. kursi

9. The new fan is on the wall. The underlined word means ….
a. dinding
c. rak
b. kipas angin
d. jendela

10. The picture is hanging on the nail. The underlined word means ….
a. Peta
c. gambar
b. jendela
d. gantungan

11. Syifa : What are you doing, Ahmad?
Ahmad : ....
a. He is studying English.
c. I am studying English.
b. You is studying English.
d. Me is studying English.

12. Risma : What is she doing?
Izzah : …
a. Her is talking.
c. His is talking.
b. She is talking.
d. You is talking.

13. Her hobby is taking photos. The underlined word means ….
a. mengambil
c. memotret
b. membawa
d. melihat

14. Snorkeling in the sea is my hobby. The underlined word means ….
a. berenang
c. berkemah
b. menyelam
d. memancing

15. The kite is flying so high. The underlined word means ….
a. menerbangkan
c. membuat
b. bermain
d. menjual

16. Our family is swimming at the beach. The underlined word means ….
a. waduk
c. sungai
b. danau
d. pantai

17. Mrs. Luthfia is driving so fast. The underlined word means ….
a. membersihkan
c. mendorong
b. memperbaiki
d. menyetir

18. We will go camping next month. The underlined word means ….
a. bermain
c. mengunjungi
b. berkemah
d. menginap

19. swimming - the - Rouf - is - in - river. The good arrangement is ….
a. Rouf the is in swimming river
c. Rouf is in the river swimming
b. Rouf is swimming in the riiver
d. Rouf is the swimming in river

20. at the beach - on - are - vacation - we. The good arrangement is ….
a. We are on vacation at the beach
c. We at the beach are on vacation
b. We on vacation are at the beach
d. We the are on vacation at beach

21. Fajar : Are they going to the China?
Dzikry : . . .
a. Yes, they are not.
c. Yes, they are.
b. No, they are.
d. No, are they.

22. Nisa : Is Khodijah diligent?
Aisyah :  …
a. Yes, she is.
c. Yes, she is not.
b. No, she is.
d. No, he is not.

23. Udin . . . funny.
a. with
 c. is
b. by
d. at

24. Ni’mah and Rif’ah ... humble.
a. are
c. am
b. is
d. my

25. You and I ... clever.
a. are
c. am
b. is
d. my

II. Fill in the blanks correctly!
1. Wahid joins speech competition. The underlined word means ….
2. Dliya follows the swimming competition. The underlined word means ….
3. Q : How … Hasan’s performance look?
A : His performance looks so good.
4. The students of class V performance are well on the stage. The underlined word means ….
5. Q : … they angry?
A : No, they are not.
6. Q : Is she sad?
A : Yes, ….
7. The shoes are under the chair. The underlined word means ….
8. The man is in the ….
9. Rahman is on the ….
10. My family is on vacation. The underlined word means …

III. Answer these following questions with the correct answer! 
Speech Competition
There is speech competition in the school. Zahra follows the competition. She prepares the competition. She practices every day. She is happy. She has a friend. Her name is Salma. She also follows the competition. Sometimes, they practices together. Salma is sad because she has fever. She desires to follow the competition but her mother is not allowed her to join. Finally, Zahra is going to the competition alone.

1. What is the title of the text?
2. Who is practices every day?
3. Are they practices together?
4. Is Salma sad?
5. Why is Salma sad?

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